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London Marathon - Making a love of running grow - Tanya Davis.

This was not my first Marathon but my first time running London. I had gone to spectate last year so I thought I was prepared, but actually I don't think anything can prepare you for the overwhelming emotions that come with running the London marathon!! From the expo to the preparation the night before and then getting to the start line, if it wasn't for Mel Green being there with me I wouldn't have got through those 48 hours, especially in red wave waiting for our start times in the pouring rain!

After the initial nerves i set off at a good pace and started to soak up the atmosphere, I got to cutty Sark and the first of my tears began when I heard the roar of the crowd and found Rob, Anne-Marie and Alison, they gave me a good boost. I then saw my husband further on which brought on more tears! He told me where everyone else was on the route, so I settled down and got back into a rhythm. I then hit London bridge which took my breath away as I looked up and started crossing it! Next were miles 16-18 where I first saw Carly, Lou and Dean who reminded me I had less than half way to go and gave me sweets!!!

The wall started to hit a bit at Canary Wharf, but the crowds pushed me on, shouting my name all the time and were so amazing with their encouragement. I remember the tunnel at mile 24 and how eerily quiet it was, giving me time to reflect and find that final push I needed...........then I heard the roar of the crowd and saw my family and my boys, this made me bawl my eyes out as I was so overwhelmed by all that I had felt and seen throughout the whole race! I sorted myself out and carried on with a smile on my face right to the finish line.

For me this wasn't about my finish time, it was about enjoying the race and soaking up the was one of the best things I've ever done and has increased my love of running!! Thanks Rob for picking my name out!😁



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Many of the photos used on our website were taken by local photographer, Paul Hammond. You can see more of his pictures here, but please ensure that you credit him if you use them and consider making a donation to his charity.

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