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Romsey 5 Mile Beer Race

The majority of the people running the Romsey 5 mile beer race had signed up for it back in 2018/2019 and waited patiently for the day to arrive. For myself I had signed up way before Andy even proposed so wasn't to know I would now be getting married the day before. There was much conversation regards this in the lead up to the big day, mainly along the lines of 'you're not running a bloody race the day after we get married'...... I kept quiet and bided my time. Then Andy was offered a place and he suddenly by some mysterious miracle decided it might be FUN to run a race the day after out wedding.

So with a wake up call and lift from Mummy Em the newly weds were on their way to the race. Fortunately for us Emily was aware we were both about 95% alcohol at this point so she stopped at Starbucks to at least attempt to make us sober. So apologies for totally failing to organize the team photo and it being a rushed affair literally at the start line but in my defense I was still drunk.

We all lined up at the start with the husband and I firmly towards the rear, this was not a time for racing for us. The race director duly delivered his race brief and was rather comical, also he kept mentioning beer which is always a good thing! And then we were off, finally for the long awaited race. Starting with a lap around a field which was eerily quiet not hearing the smack of trainers upon the tarmac, and also very comforting for someone whose feet had been burning up the dance floor in heels for 5 hours the previous evening.

There was some heroic sunglasses tossing and catching performed by Kirsty and Emily and as usual Emily didn't allow this to get in the way of taking photos! One day we are all going to have the adult for ourselves and then there will be carnage (particularly on my part). Once we swung onto the road I was immediately happy I wasn't racing the run hard, the route was certainly challenging and hilly, did the hills end? were there any flat bits? It certainly felt very Alton 10m esk.

The route for the newly weds messing around at the back sobering up was rather enjoyable. At the hills that would normally have me internally swearing we were able to saunter up them chatting about how nice it was not to be racing. Apologies to those who were racing and their inner monologue probably involved lots of swearing aimed at us. The course twists around Braishfield with some lovely views of the postcard picture perfect houses and stunning gardens. The locals were obviously behind the race as many were at the end of their long sweeping drives cheering the runners on with their morning tea in hand. (well it could have been sneaky vodka but as I was still made of booze at this point, and running for more booze who was I to judge?).

After two laps of the hilly loop it was time to head back into the field for the finish line which again was on grass round a field. And then the main event ..... the free Beer!!!!

Everyone was very happy to finish and sample this delight, with the added benefit of free cake too....was there ever a more glorious race goodie bag as cake and beer! For those not driving and hanging around to watch the prize presentation there was the added bonus of their being too much beer left over and even more free beer offered out. Not being a compete monster I stopped at 2 pints ...... before midday.... on a Sunday..... when not on holiday or in an airport about to go on holiday. The beer did help with the cheering when giving out prizes!

A special mention should go to Paul Gale who whilst on the course could be heard stating he was 'never running again' , to then be spotted at the up and running tent purchasing new running trainers ..... ahem! And a massive well done to those who were taking it more seriously than me an were pushing hard on that course!

A really good event enjoyed by all that I am sure will sell out quickly next year so keep an eye out!

The Results

Paul Bullen 33:18

Rob Kendall 34:55 (PB)

Dean Lucas 36:18 (PB)

Rob Barlow 36:39

Kirsty Macbeth 38:09

Andy Herman 38:36

Helen Herman-Bonaer 38:36

Peter Ellis 40:04

Neil Cameron 40:30

Amanda Jones 41:56

Carly Lucas 42:42

Mel Green 43:22

Louise Henning 43:43

Michelle Price 44:12 (PB)

Virginia Collins 45:47

Ann-Marie Vanderplank 57:35

Rob Barlow 57:39

Paul Gale 1:01:37

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Many of the photos used on our website were taken by local photographer, Paul Hammond. You can see more of his pictures here, but please ensure that you credit him if you use them and consider making a donation to his charity.

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