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Ryde 10 / HRRL#6

A relative early start was required to get over to Ryde, Isle of Wight. The weather all week indicated on Sunday that it would be a tad breezy with rain on the way. The majority of us turned up in advance for the 9am Red Funnel ferry in our respective car loads with a few absentees. Unfortunately my compadre Captain Helen could not make it due to the dreaded C word, Tony K due to illness and Pete recovering from injury.

The trip to IOW went without a hitch, everyone seemed in great spirits in the lounge with our mascot Totton Ted accompanying us on one of his/her favourite day trips. Consisted of mainly chatting and fueling up on board for the anticipating hilly race. Logistically it worked relatively well, everyone made it to the start line in time. Queue for the bibs was a tad long which held up the pre-nerve rituals before race - full team photo and toilet / warm up.

Regards with myself I have done this race a few times before, course has always been a little different each time. To have 22 runners compete (10 women and 12 men) is a fantastic achievement, and had enough for both A & B team. Have not dwelled on the records but since I joined the club I've never known so many make the trip. Well done everyone that attended. We also had Zed (who is not recorded but supported Tracey on run round) and Hannah (who will be re-signing up with club soon). Rob (The Chair) was our chief (only) supporter and done a grand job holding Ted and taking him out on the town while we were busting a gut.

Race started at 11am and on we went, first up a nice easy lap around the boating lake with swans. It then went up hill for what seemed like eternity, in reality it was just up to about 1.3 miles. Then there was an undulating section on roads for a good 3.5 miles, there was hardly any flat bits. We then got nearer The Duver section near the sea front, this was the first time in race experienced the wind in the face along the sea front, the sun was out and felt quite nice. After this section we went through the dreaded Nodes Point Holiday park - the hill felt more like a mountain after over half way in race. Once over that section got back into more undulating routes of Nettlestone before a down section to Seaview where again we went along the front. Least this bit was flat but had the wind to contend with until we went back up a gert hill again at about 8.6 miles, finally we were re=tracing steps and the last 1km is pretty much downhill that you can fly, love this section and then a small finish straight. Medal was half decent too. Luckily the weather was not too bad overall and could have been a lot worse, hardy any rain. Great support as always along the finish line from the Totton crew.

A big massive achievement to Virginia Collins who came 1st in her age category - brilliant. Also a big well done to Alice Burch who was 4th lady overall and 2nd in her age category - awesome! PB congratulations to Keith Whitten, Patricia Spodzieja and Tracey Nightingale for first time running 10 mile distance and Lizzy White, Sam Bowyer and myself (pat on the back) for smashing their previous times. Ladies A & B team are currently 4th in the top league, Mens A & B team are currently 5th in 2nd division league.

The day was not over and we all made our way to Seabreeze café in East Cowes - right by the ferry terminal. My food was certainly delicious with a massive fish and chips to boot. Again by the time we finished dining it was time to get ferry, logistically this went perfect. Few had some alcoholic beverages on the Red funnel as a mini celebration.

I recommend these day events, its not just the race, its the social aspect too that gives a great feeling. Next up for HRRL is Salisbury 10 on April 3rd.

Name Chip time GenderPosition Category Position

Alice Burch 01:09:01 4 2

Patricia Spodzieja 01:22:03 41 7

Jacquie Barlow 01:23:00 50 7

Elizabeth White 01:24:39 57 15

Virginia Collins 01:39:18 119 1

Samantha Bowyer 01:43:13 142 26

Teresa Dodkin 01:45:54 158 24

Ann-Marie Vanderplank 01:49:34 169 27

Dot Kennard 01:52:21 174 28

Tracey Nightingale 01:57:09 188 30

Neil White 01:11:38 83 42

Lee Trueman 01:13:44 99 16

Robbie Barlow 01:16:29 126 53

Keith Whitten 01:17:49 133 10

Chris Barnes 01:17:47 134 11*Based on gun

Andrew Warren 01:18:21 136 56

Dean Lucas 01:19:26 150 27

Tony Lees 01:19:40 151 5

Geoffrey Willis 01:21:04 162 19

Terry Greening 01:26:32 196 24

David Nightingale 01:33:46 233 37

Neil Cameron 01:33:47 234 38

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Many of the photos used on our website were taken by local photographer, Paul Hammond. You can see more of his pictures here, but please ensure that you credit him if you use them and consider making a donation to his charity.

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