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Training Schedule

Our main training sessions are on Monday and Wednesday evenings starting at 19:00. We also do a Friday social run in the morning at 09:15 and evening at 19:00 (with a pub trip after!). Some members also meet informally for a long run in the Forest on Sunday's.


We publish our training programme monthly and the current schedules can be viewed using the Schedule buttons on this page. If you have questions about any of the sessions, use the Sessions button or email our coaches

Click on the session schedule below to view the full details

Training Locations

In the winter, we train in and around Totton (we need the street lamps to see!), but in the summer we move out into the Forest, which is easily the best training area around!


All of the training locations referred to on the schedule are shown on the map. You can also use the buttons below to get clear directions.

Calmore Industrial Estate 1200m Training loop

Details of the 1200m loop around the Calmore industrial estate. Can be split up and used for 200m/400m/600m800m/1km Reps

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Many of the photos used on our website were taken by local photographer, Paul Hammond. You can see more of his pictures here, but please ensure that you credit him if you use them and consider making a donation to his charity.

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